Saturday 10 May 2008

-ism in Lithuania (Chapter X of many...)

Today's '-ism is once again 'racism'. Story in today's 'Lietuvos rytas' newspaper about allegedly (I say 'allegedly', they don't) illegally resident Chinese building workers in Lithuania, who appear to have taken over some empty houses in one of the little garden colonies surrounding Vilnius.

The boss of the migration department comments that currently few Chinese building workers are here legally; most of the arrivals are chefs (must go to a Chinese restaurant!). The worst thing is, he says, that several people arrive with one passport. The faces of the people of this nationality are similar ('they all look the same to me, guv') and therefore it's hard for the immigration workers to tell them apart.....

What they do, he says, is that one guy arrives and is here legally, and then sends his passport home. Shortly another person arrives with the same passport.

Forgive me for being a bit puzzled. Surely Chinese people still have their passports stamped into the country and out of the country. So, if a guy sends his passport back, and someone else uses it, does that not mean that it is missing a 'stamp out'? Would that not ring alarm bells?

Apparently migrant workers are becoming a bit of a political story these days. God help them.

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