Tuesday 22 April 2008

Pets, Tbilisi style

Georgians are not that good at pets. They have dogs, but often they are tied up, rarely are they trained, and many live and sleep in the streets. At least, I suppose it's better that dogs sleep in the streets than children or adults....

Bit of a surprise, though, wandering home along Gogebashvili the other night, to come across a group of youngsters with a bird of prey sitting happily on someone's hand. Not the sort of thing you'd expect to see in almost the middle of a European capital. But then you would also not expect to see roads paved with mud, houses without running water.....

1 comment:

varske said...

At the risk of sounding like "Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells" writing to the Times, I have to say that the level of dogshit on the pavements seems much higher in Tbilisi than other towns I have lived in recently. But I fear we are quite a long way from the point that complaining will make any difference.