Sunday 24 February 2008

Says Putin to Saakashvili

'I wonder if you will be in the shape that I am in, when you are my age'.....(thinks...just look at that double chin....)

There is talk of direct air traffic being resumed between Georgia and Russia. Let's see what happens.

Was chatting to a taxi driver yesterday; he used to work in Moscow and bought his car on the proceeds. It's now (very) clapped out and he is thinking of going back to Russia to work some more. Meantime one of his daughters works in Austria as a paediatrician, his other daughter is a lawyer (not sure if she is in Germany now or has been), and the son, the youngest, is studying to become a film producer.

People are Georgia's most successful export? Don't tell that to the member of the Vienna Philharmonic whose fiddle was nicked from his home by a gang of Georgians.

(picture from Georgia Today).

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