Friday 13 June 2008

Care in the community, Georgian style?

Near the Health Ministry today I was crossing the road with a colleague, when suddenly I felt a sharp nip in the elbow. I turned round, and saw some guy. Some people seemed to be telling him off. Strange.

We went along the road for quite a while, and finally my colleague found a shop she was looking for. She went in, I waited outside. Spotted the guy walking along the road in my general direction. Contemplated going into the shop for cover, but thought, sod it, I can defend myself.

The strangest thing happened. He came near me, and was really afraid of me (for good enough reason, perhaps, though I don't thump people all that often...). You know how dogs are when they are afraid of someone - they sidle around them, keeping an eye on the person, and then belt off into the distance. That's exactly what this guy did! I was under a tree, he went so close, sideways, along the building that I thought he'd break a window, and then shot off. I know we all have our identity issues, some of us more so than others, but I wondered if he thought he was a dog? I also wonder if he nipped me because I had accidentally invaded his personal space.

More to the point, wasn't it lucky he didn't have a knife? I wonder who takes care of him.

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